One was “Just Can’t Get Enough,” whose samba sound was too kitschy for some and sounded like a smile to others. The critical consensus was that this project made for a good album, but the critics couldn’t agree on what the best or worst songs were, and some songs were nominated for both. The fact that the name “Nouvelle Vague” translates into both new wave and bossa nova puts them right up there with the Beatles for band-name wordplay.

Nouvelle Vague’s first release was a head-turner for all the right reasons, making easy listening jams out of post-punk classics. I needn’t have worried the Depeche Mode catalog runs far deeper than their two most ubiquitous songs, and many artists have mined the riches. Was it just going to be endless covers of “Enjoy the Silence” and “Personal Jesus”? The Cover Me inbox seems to get a new version of one of those two every other day. We had a bit of apprehension about this one. Now, many months after we expected to post it, the grand finale: The 25 Best Depeche Mode Covers Ever. Tomorrow, many months later, the Rock Hall is finally hosting some sort of ceremony – remotely, of course – and we’ve been honoring each artist all week with covers features: Whitney Houston, Notorious B.I.G., The Doobie Brothers, T. Depeche Mode won, so we started planning our schedule to get it ready in advance of the big induction ceremony on March 24.

Way back in January, we polled our Patreon supporters to see which 2020 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee they wanted to see get the “Best Covers Ever” treatment.